Olympic Shield Inspection Services

Buyer’s Inspection

Olympic Shield LLC abides by the Standards of Practice set forth by the state of Washington in our inspection services. We perform a thorough visual assessment of all aspect of the home, including, but not limited to, the following structures and components as part of our Buyer’s Inspection:

  • Roofing
  • Exterior
  • Interior
  • Structural Components
  • Electrical
  • Heating Systems
  • Cooling Systems
  • Plumbing
  • Insulation
  • Crawlspaces & Attics
  • Garages and other external structures
Up to 3000 sq ft $499.00
Above 3000 sq ft $599.00
Above 4000 sq ft Please call for a quote.

Additional Inspection Services

New Construction

While newly constructed properties typically have fewer defects than older buildings, it is still important to have these properties inspected before the final walkthrough with your contractor. It takes many workers to build any structure from the ground up, and a mistake by any of them can result in costly defects. Schedule one of our New Construction inspections to let us identify any potential issues while your contractor is on hand to correct them.

11th Month/Builder’s Warranty Inspections

By scheduling a Builder’s Warranty Inspection 11 months after your final walkthrough with your contractor, you give us the chance to spot any issues that have arisen during that time. Contractors often offer a one-year warranty on certain materials and work, so one of these inspections will give you time to have your contractor make any necessary repairs before that warranty expires.

Mold Inspections

A mold contamination can pose a threat to your home and also to your family. Our Mold Inspection looks for any signs that indicate the presence of mold and determine whether we need to perform additional testing to pinpoint what type of mold is present and, if needed, what remediation steps need to be take to ensure the safety of the building and its occupants. Mold Inspection can be performed as part of home inspection or on their own.

Radon Testing

Radon is a radioactive, colorless gas that has no odor or taste, and has been found by the EPA to be the 2nd most frequent cause of lung cancer in the United States. Radon is undetectable except through professional testing. Our Radon Test will determine whether or not this health threat is present at dangerous levels on the property. As with our Mold Inspections, Radon Testing can be performed independently or as part of a full home inspection.

Pre-Listing/Seller’s Inspections

By scheduling a Pre-Listing or Seller’s Inspection, you can take steps to speed up the process of closing your sale while also increasing the likelihood that you will receive your asking price. We will inspect your property to identify any defects that will require repair so that you can resolve these issues before they can be found by your buyer’s home inspector.

inspection services

Let Olympic Shield protect you by providing high quality home inspection services. Schedule your appointment today.